Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

1300K IX. PARADISE LOST. 23L Pleafures about me, fo much more I feel 120 Torment within me, as from the hateful liege Of contraries : all good to me becomes Bane; and in heav'n much worfe would be my (late. But neither here leek 1, no nor in heav'n To dwell, unlefs by 'ring heav'n's Supreme : 125 Nor hope to be my fell leis miferable By what I leek, but others to make fuch As 1, though thereby worfe to me redound. For only in deftroying 1 find eafe. To my relentlefs thoughts ; and him defiroy'd, 130 Or won to what may work his utter lois, For whom all this was made ; all this will loon Follow, as to him link'd in weal or woe : In woe then ! that deflruaion wide may range. To me (hall be the glory Pole among 135 Th' infernal Pow'rs, in one day to have marr'd What he Almighty flyi'd, fix nights and days Continu'd making ; and who knows how long Before had been contriving ? though perhaps Not longer than fince 1, in one night, freed 140 From let vitude inglorious well nigh half Th' Angelic name, and thinner left the throng Of his adorers. He, to be aveng'd, And to repair His numbers thus impair'd ; Whether luch virtue fpent of old now laird 145 More Angels to create (if they at leaf{ Are His created) or, to fpite us more, Determin'd to advance into our room A creature foim'd of earth, and him endow, (Exalted from lo bate original !) 150 With heav'nly fpoils ; our ipoils. What He decreed, Ile effeaed ; Man He made, and for him built Magnificent this world, and earth his feat, Him Lord pronounc'd; and, 0 indignity ! Subjected