Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

BOOK IX. PARADISE LOST. (In heart, or head) poffeffing, loon infpir'd With at intelligential : but his fleep I9 Difturb'd not, waiting dole th' approach of morn. 233 Now when as facred light began to daWrn In Eden on the humid flow'rs, that breath'd Their morning incenfe, when all things that breatheo From th' earth's great altar fend up fluent praife 105 To the Creator, and his noftrils fill With grateful fmell, forth curie the hurt ari pair, And join'd their vocal worfhip to the choir Of creatures wanting voice : that done, partake The feafon, prime for fvveeteft (cents and airs : 20(1 Then commune, how that day they belt may ply Their growing work (for much their work out-grew The hands difpatch of two, gard'ning fo wide) And Eve firit to her hufband thus began. Adam, well may we labor Rill to dreg 261 This garden, Rill to tend plant, herb and flow'r, Our pleafant talk injoin'd ; but 'till more hands Aid us, the work under our labor grows Luxurious by reftraint : what we by day Lop overgrown, or prune, or prop, or bind, One night or two with wanton growth derides, Tending to wild. Thou therefore now advife, Or hear what to my mind firft thoughts relent : Let us divide our labors : thou, where choice Leads thee, or where molt needs, whether to wind g The woodbine round this arbor, or direct The clafping ivy where to climb t while I, In yonder fpring of roles, intermix'd With myrtle, find what to redrefs till noon. For while fo near each other thus all day 226 Our talk we chufe, what wonder if fo near I i, Looks