Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

.234 PARADISE LOST% BooK1X. Looks intervene, and (miles, or objea new Cafual difcourfe draw on ; which intermits Our day's-work, brought to little, though begun Early, and th' hour of flipper comes un-earn'd. To whom mild anfwer Adam thus return'd. Sole Eve, affociate fole, to me beyond Compare, above all living creatures dear I Well halt thou motion'd, well thy thoughts employ'd, Howwe might bell fulfil the work, which here 23o God bath aflign'd us ; nor of me (halt pals Unprals'd : (for nothing lovelier can be found in woman, than to fludy hou(tiold good, And good works in her hufband to promote.) Yet not fo flrietly bath our Lord impos'd 235 Labor, as to debar us when we need Refrefhment, whether food, or talk between, (Food of the mind) or this fweet intercourfe Of looks and fnites, for (miles from reafon flow, To brute deny'd, and are of love the food ; 240 Love, not the lowefl end of human life. For not to irkfome toil, but to delight He made us, and delight to reafon join'd. The paths, and bow'rs, doubt not but our joint-hands Will keep from wildernefs with eafe, as wide 245 As we need walk ; till younger hands e'er-long Affift us. But, if much converfe perhaps Thee fatiate, to fhort abfence I could yield : (For folitude fometimcs is belt fociety, And fhort retirement urges fweet return.) 250 But, other doubt poffeffes me ; left harm Befall thee fever'd from me : for thou know'ft What hath been warifd us, what malicious foe Envying our happinefs, and of his own Defpairing, leeks to work us woe and fhame 255 By 225