Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

PARADISE LOST. BOOK IX. To whom with healing words Adam reply'd. 290 Daughter of God and Man, immortal Eve ! For iuch thou art, from fin and blame entire : Not diffident of thee do I diffuade Thy abfence from my fight, but to avoid Th' attempt it tell, intended by our foe : 295 For ho who tempts, though in vain, at leaf} afperfes The tempted with difhonor foul ; fuppos'd Not incorruptible of faith, not proof Againft temptation. Thou thy fell with loom, And anger, wouldl relent the offer'd wrong, 300 Though ineffectual found: mifdeem not then, If loch affront I labor to avert From thee alone, which on us both at once The enemy, though bold, will hardly dare; Or daring, firfi on me th' affault than light. 305 Nor thou his malice and falfe guile contemn : Subtile he needs Inuit be, who could (educe Angels : nor think fuperfluous other aid. I, from the influence of Thy looks, receive Accefs in every virtue ; in thy fight 310 More wife, more watchful, flronger, (if need were Ot outward fIrength) while shame, thou looking on, Shame to be overcome, or over-reach'd, Would utmoft vigor raife, and rais'd unite. Why fhouldit not thou like fenfe within thee feel 315 When I am prefent, and the tryal obuCe With me, belt witnels of thy virtue lry'd ? So fpake domeflic Adam in his care, And matrimonial love : but Eve, who thought Leis attributed to her faith fincere, 320 Thus her reply with accent Tweet renew'd. If this be our condition, thus to dwell To narrow circuit flraiten'd by a foe, Subtile