Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

BooK IX. PARADISE LOST. 237 Subtile or violent, we not indu'd Single with like defence, where- tver met ; 325 1-1,,w are we happy, ftill in fear of harm ? But harm precedes not fin : only our foe Tempting, aff onts us with his foul efteem Of our integrity : his foul etteem Sticks no difhonor on our front, but turns 330 Foul on himfelf: then wherefore fhuon'd or fear'd By us ? who rather double honor gain From his furmife prov'd falfe, find peace within, -Favor from heav'n, our witnefs, from th' event. And what is faith, love, virtue unaffay'd 335 Alone, without exterior help futlain'd ? Let us not then fuiped our happy flare Left fo imperfect by the Maker wife, As not tecurt to tingle, or combind Frail is our happinefs, if this be fo, 340 And Eden were no Eden thus expos'd. To whom thus Adam fervently reply'd. 0 woman ! beit are all things as the will Of God ordain'd them : His creating hand Nothing imperfed or deficient left, Of all that he created ; much lets man, Or ought that might his happy Rate fecure : Secure from outward force ; within him self The danger yet iyes within his pow'r; Againd his will he can receive no harm ; 350 But God left free the will ; for what obeys Reafon, is free ; and reafon he made right : But bid her well beware, and ered ; Left by fome fair appearing good furpriz'd, She dictate falfe, and mifintorm the will To do what God expreily bath forbid. Not then miaruft, but tender love injoins, 345 355 That