Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

238 PARADISE LOST. BooKIX, That I fhould mind thee oft, and mind thou me. Firm we fublitt, yet poffibie to fwerve, Since reafon not impoffible may meet 360 Some fpecious objet, by the foe tuborn'd ; And fall into deception unaware, Not keeping ftrideft watch, as fhe was warn'd. Seek not temptation then, which to avoid Were better ; and moil likely, if from me 365 Thou fevere not ; tryal will come unfought. Woulcift thou approve thy conftancy ? approve Firft thy obedience; th' other who can know, Not fixing thee attempted ? who atteft ? But if thou think, tryal unfought may find 370 Us both fecurer, than thus warn'd thou em'a, fe Go! for thy flay, not free, abfents thee more ; Go in thy native innocence ! rely On what thou hail of virtue; fummon all For God tow'rds thee bath done His part, do thine. So fpake the patriarch of mankind ; but Eve 376 Perfilled, yet fubmifs, though laft, reply'd. With thy permiffion then, and thus forewarn'd, Chi( fly by what thy own WI rcafoning words Touch'd only ; that our tryal, when leaft fought, 380 May find us both perhaps far leis prepar'd, The willinger I go : not much expel A fie to proud will firft the weaker leek ; So bent, the more than shame him his repulfe. Thus Paying, ftcrn her hufoand's hand her hand 385 Soft fhe withdrew ; and like a Wood-Nymph light ()read, or Dryad, or of De-lia's train, Betook her to the groves : but Delia's felf In gait furpats'd, and Goddeis-like deport ; Though