Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

Boox IX: PARADISE LOST. 239 Though not, as fhe, with bow and quiver arm'd ; 390 But with fuch gard'ning-tools as art, yet rude, Guiltlefs of fire had fort-11'd, or Angels brought. To Pales, or Pomona thus adorn'd, Likelieft fhe feem'd, (Pomona, when the fled Vertumnus) or to Ceres in her prime, 395 Yet virgin of Proferpina from Jove. Her Log with ardent look his eye purftfd Dtlighted, but defiring more her flay : Oft he to her his charge of quick return Repeated ; fhe to him as oft engag'd 400 To be return'd by noon amid the bow'r ; And all things in be(l order to invite Noontide rep% or afternoon's repofe. 0much deceiv'd, much failing, (haplefs Eve !) Of thy prefum'd return ! event perverfe ! Thou never from that hour in Paradife Found(' either fweet rep.% or found repofe! Such ambufb, laid among fweet flow'rs, and thades, Waited with hellifh rancor imminent To intercept thy way, or fend thee back 410 Defpoil'd of innocence, of faith, of blifs !- For now, and fince &II brake of dawn, the fiend, (Mere ferpent in appearance) forth was come, And on his quell, where likeliefr he might find The only two of mankind; but in them 415 The whole included race, his purpos'd prey. In bow'r, and field he fought, where any tuft Of grove, or garden-plot more pleafant lay, Their tendance, or plantation for delight, By fountain, or by fhady rivulet. 420 He fought them both, but with'd his hap might find Eve feparate ; he vvilh'd, but not with hope Of what fo feldom chanc'd : when to his with, Beyond his hope, Eve feparate he fpies,