Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

242 PARADISE LOST: Boole IX. So fpake the enemy of mankind, inclos'd In ferpent, inmate bad ! and toward Eve 495 Addrefs'd his way : not with indented wave, Prone on the ground, as three ; but on his rear, Circular bate of riling folds, that tow'rd Fold above fold, a forging maze ! His head Crefled aloft, and carbuncle his eyes ; so° With burnifh'd neck of verdant gold, erea Amidll his circling fpires, that on the grafs Floated redundant : pleafing was his fhape, And lovely ! Never fince of ferpent-kind Lovelier ; not thole that in Illyria chang'd 505 Hermione, and Cadmus ; or the God In Epidaurus : nor, to which transform'd Ammonian Jove, or Capitoline was feen ; He, with Olympias ; This, with her who bore Scipio the height of Rome. With trail oblique 5io At firft, (as one who fought accefs, but fear'd To interrupt) fide-long he works his way : As when a fhip, by fkilful fleers-man wrought Nigh river's mouth, or fore-land, where the wind Veers oft, as oft fo fleers, and fhifts her fail : 515 So vary'd he, and of his tortuous train Curl'd many a wanton wreath, in fight of Eve, To lure her eye : fhe bufied, heard the found Of fulling leaves, but minded not, as us'd To fuch difport before her through the Field, 520 From every beaft; more duteous at her call, Than at Circean call the herd difguis'd. He bolder now, uncall'd before her flood ; But as in gaze admiring : oft he bow'd His turret creft, and sleek-enamerd neck, 525 Fawning, and lick'd the ground whereon the trod. His gentle dumb expreffion turn'd at length The eye of Eve, to mark his play ; he glad Of