Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

Boox IL PARADISE LOST. Of her attention gain'd (with ferpent-tongue Organic, or impulfe of vocal air) His fraudulent temptation thus began. Wonder not, fov'reign Miftrefs ! if perhaps Thou canfl, who art fole wonder ; much lefs arm Thy looks, the heav'n of mildnefs, with difdain, Difpleas'd that I approach thee thus, and gaze 535 Infatiate; I thus fingle ; nor have fear'd Thy awful brow, more awful thus retir'd. Faireft refemblance of thy Maker fair ! Thee all things living gaze on, all things thine By gift, and thy cceleflial beauty adore, 54.0 With ravifhment beheld ! there belt beheld, Where univerfally admir'd : but here In this inclofure wild, thefe bealls among, (Beholders rude, and iballovv to difcern Half what in Thee is fair) one man except, 545 Who fees thee ? and what is one! who fhouldft be Peen A Goddefs among Gods, ador'd and fear'd By Angels numberlefs, thy daily train. So gloz'd the tempter, and his proem tun'd Into the heart of Eve his words made way, 550 Though at the voice much marvelling : at length, Not un-amaz'd, the thus in anfwer fpake. What may this mean ? Language of manpronounc'd By tongue of brute, and human fenfe expreft ? The fircfl, at leaft, of thefe I thought deny'd 555 To beafts ; whom God, on their creation-day, Created mute to all articulate found : The latter I demur ; for in their looks Much reafon, and in their actions, oft appears. Thee, ferpent, lubtil'it beall of all the field 56o 243 530