Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

44 PARADISE LOST. BooKIX. I knew, but not with human voice indu'd. Redouble then this miracle, and fay, How cam's' thou fpeakable of mute; and how To me fo friendly grown above the ref} Of brutal kind, that daily are in fight ? 565 Say I for fuch wonder claims attention due. To rhom the guileful tempter thus reply'd : Emprefs of this fair world, refplendent Eve I Eafy to me it is to tell thee all [obey'd. What thou COMmancril ; and right thou fhouldit be I was at firft as other beat's that graze 571 The trodden herb, of abjeEt thoughts and low, As was my food ; nor ought but food difcern'd, Or fex ; and apprehended nothing high. Till on a day roving the field, I chanc'd 575 A goodly tree far-diftant to behold, Loaden with fruit of faireil colors mix'd, Ruddy and gold : I nearer drew to gaze , When from the boughs a favoury odor blown, Giateful to appetite ! more pleas'd my fenfe 580 Than fmell of fweeteft fennel, or the teats Of ewe or goat, dropping with milk at ev'n, Unfuck'd of lamb, or kid, that tend their play. To fatisfy the (harp defire I had Of tailing thole fair apples, I refolv'd 585 Not to defer : hunger and thiril at once, Pow'rful perfuaders ! quicken'd at the (cent Of that alluring fruit, urg'd me fo keen. About the molly trunk I wound me loon ; (For, high from ground, the branches would require Thy uttnoil reach, or Adam's) round the tree 591 All other beats that taw, with like defire Longing and envying flood, but could not reach. Amid the tree .-;ow got, where plenty hung Tempting