BOOK IX, PARADISE LOST. 255 Is not fo heinous now, foretaaed fruit, Profan'd fira by the ferpent, by him fira 930 Made common, and unhallow'd e'er our talk; Nor yet on him found deadly ; he yet lives ; Lives, as thou faidil, and gains to live, as man, Higher degree of life ; inducement thong To us, as likely tailing to attain 935 Proportional afcent ; which cannot be But to be Gods, or Angels, Demi-gods. Nor can I think that God, Creator wife ! Though threatning, will in earnea fo dearoy Us his prime creatures ; dignify'd fo high, 940 Set over all his works; which in our fall, For us created, needs with us mutt fail, Dependent made: fo God fball uncreate, Be fruarate, do, undo, and labor lofe ; Not well conceiv'd of God : who (tho' his Pow'r 945 Creation could repeat) yet would be loth Us to abolifb ; left the Adverfary Triumph and fay; " Fickle their {late whom God " Molt favors ! who can pleafe him long ? Me fira " He ruin'd, now mankind : whom will he next?" 950 Matter of loom, not to be giv'n the Foe. However I with thee have fix'd my lot, Certain to undergo like doom : if Death Con fort with Thee, Death is to me as life: So forcible within my heart, I feel 955 The bond of nature draw me to my own ; My own in Thee ! for what thou art is mine : Our Elate cannot be fever'd, we are one, One flefh ; to lofe Thee were to lofe my felf. So Adam; and thus Eve to him repiy'd. 960 O ghriotts tryal. of exceeding love, illultrious eviden,ce, example high,