Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

BOOK IX. PARADISE LOST,. With liberal hand : he fcrupl'd not to eat, Againft his,better knowledge ; not deceiv'd, But fondly overcome with female charm. Earth trernhl'd from her entrails, as again 1000 In pangs ; and nature gave a fecond groan. Sky lowr'd, and mutt'ring thunder, come fad drops Wept, at compleating of the mortal fin Original ! while Adam took no thought, Eating his fill; nor Eve to iterate 1005 Her former trefpafs fear'd ; the more to booth Him with her lov'd fociety : that now, (As with new wine intoxicated both) They fwim in mirth, and fancy that they feel Divinity within them breeding wings, 1016 Wherewith to fcorn the earth. But that falfe fruit Far other operation firft difplay'd, Carnal de: re inflaming : he on Eve Began to caft lafcivious eyes ; fhe him As wantonly repaid ; in lila they burn : 1015 Till Adam thus 'gan Eve to dalliance move. Eve, now I fee thou art exad of tafte, And elegant, of fapience no (mall part ; Since to each meaning favor we apply, And palate call judicious : I the praife 1026 Yield thee, fo well this day thou haft purvey'd. Much pleafure we have loll, while we abflain'd From this delightful fruit, nor known till now True relith, tatting: if fuch pleafure be In things to us forbidd'n, it might be with'd, 1025 For this one tree had been forbidden ten. But come, fo well refrefh'd, now let us play, As meet is, after fuch delicious fare For never did thy beauty fince the day faw thee firft, and wedded thee, adorn'd 1030 M m With 257