Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

6 PARADISE 10 STi Bizicqc: IT* Cloath'd with tranfcendent btightnefs, didft oUt-fhine Myriads tho"bright ! If He, whom mutual league,'.` United thoughts and ccunfels, equal hope And hPzard in the glorious eriterprize, Join'd with me once, now mikry bath join'd 90 In equal ruin ! Into what pit thou feeft From what height fall'n ; fo much the ftronger prov'd He with his thunder : and till then who knew The force of thote dire arms? Yet not for thofe, Nor what the potent victor in his rage 95 Can elle inflia, do I repent, or change (Though chang'd in outward luftre) that-fix'd mind And high difdain, from tente of injur'd merit, That with the Mightiefl rais'd me to contend, And to the fierce contentiin brought along 10© Innumerable force of fpirits arm'd, That durft diflike his reign ; and me preferring, His utmoil pow'r with adverfe pow'r oppos'd, In dubious battel on the plains of heav'n, And (hook his throne. What (ho' the field be loft ? ][05 All is not loft ; th' unconquerable Will, And fludy of revenge, immortal hate, And courage never to tubmit or yield ; (And what is elle not to be overcome ?) That glory never (tall his wrath or might Extort from me, to bow and tue for grace With luppliant knee, and deifie his pow'r, Who from the terror of this arms to late Doubted his empire : that were low indeed, 'I hat were an ignominy and tharne beneath 115 This downtal ; fince by fate the flrength of Gods, And this em! yreal WM-lance cannot fad ; Since through experience of this great event, In arms not work, in forefight much advanc'd, We may with more fuccefsful hope refolve 120 IID To