Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

258 PARADISE LOST. Boole IX. With all perfeelions, fo inflame my fenfe With ardor to enjoy thee ; fairer now Than ever, bounty of this virtuous Tree I So Paid he, and forbore not glance, or toy Of amorous intent ; well undel flood 1035 Of Eve, whole Eye darted contagious fire. Her hand he feiz'd and to a fhady bank, Thick over-head with verdant roof Unbowed, He led her nothing loth : flow'rs were the couch, Panfies, and Violets, and Afphodel, 1040 And Hyacinth, earth's fretheft fofteti lap. There they their fill of love, and love's defport Took largely ; of their mutual guilt the Peal, The folace of their fin : till dewy fleep 1044 Opprefs'd them, wearied with their amorous play. Soon as the force of that fallacious fruit, That with exhilarating vapor bland About their fpirits had play'd, and inmoft pow'rs Made err, was now exhard ; and groffer fleep, Bred of unkindly fumes, with confcious dreams 1050 Incumber'd, now had left them ; up they role As from un -refl, and each the other viewing, Soon found their eyes how open'd, and their minds How darken'd ! Innocence, that (as a veil) Had fhadow'd them from knowing ill, was gone : Jult confidence, and native righteoufnefs 1056 And honour from about them, naked left To guilty {halm : he cover'd, but his robe Uncover'd more : to role the Danite firong, Herculean Sarnpfon, from the harlot-lap 1060 Of Piniliflean Dalilah, and wak'd Shorn of his ftrength : they, deftitute, and bare Of all their virtue : fluent, and in face confounded;