Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

.Boox IX PARADISE LOST. 259 Confounded, long they fate, as ftrucken mute: Till Adam, though no lefs than Eve abafh'd, 1065 At length gave utterance to thefe words conarain'd. 0 Eve! in evil hour thou didft give ear To that falfe worm, of whomfoever taught To counterfeit man's voice ; true in our fall, Falfe in our promis'd rifing: fince our eyes 1070 Open'd we find indeed, and find we know Both Good and Evil ; Good loft, and Evil got. Bad fruit of knowledge, if this be to know, Which leaves us naked thus, of honor void, Of innocence, of faith, of purity, 1075 Our wonted ornaments, now foilld and flain'd And in our faces evident the figns Of foul concupilence; whence evil (tore ; Ev'n flume, the ha of evils ; of the firft Befure then.-How than I behold the face IoSo Henceforth of God or Angel, erft with joy And rapture fo oft beheld ? thole heav'nly thapes Will dazzle now this earthly, with their blaze Infufferably bright. 0, might I here In folitude live favage, in Tome glade 1085 Obfcur'd, where higheft woods impenetrable To liar or fun light, fpread their umbrage broad And brown as evening ! Cover me ye Pines ! Ye Cedars, with innumerable boughs Hide me, where I may never fee them more 1090 But let us now, as in bad plight, devife What belt may for the ppefent ferve to hide The parts of each from other, that Teem molt To fhame obnoxious, and unfeennliett teen : Some tree, whole broad imooth leaves together fow'd, And girded on our loins, may cover round 1096 Thole middle parts, that this new comer, Shame, There fit not, and reproach us as unclean, So