Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

;6(: PARADISE LOST; Boo So counfel'd he, and both together went Into the thickeft wood ; there loon they thole 1100 The Fig-tree, not that kind for fruit renown'd ; But fuch as at this day (to Indians known In Malabar, or Decal)) fpreads her arms Branching fo broad, and long, that in the ground The bended twigs take root, and daughters grow itos About the mother tree; a pillar'd (.bade High over-arch'd, and echoing walks between : There oft the Indian herdfman fhunning heat, Shelters in cool, and tends his pafturing herds At loopholes cut thro' thickeft fhade thofe leaves They gather'd, broad as Amazonian targe H act And with what 11611 they had, together fow'd, To gird their wail ; vain covering, if to hide Their guilt, and dreaded fhame ! 0, how unlike To that firft naked glory ! (fuch of late 1115 Columbus found th' American, fo girt With teather'd oinaure ; naked elfe, and wild Among the trees, on ifles, and woody (bores.) Thus tenc'cl, and, as they thought, their fhatne in part Cover'd, but not at reft or eafe of mind, 1 tp They fat them down to weep : nor only tears Rain'd at their eyes ; but high winds worfe within Began to rife, high paftions, anger, hate, Miftruft, fufpicion, difeord, and fhook fore Their inward hate of mind ; calm region once, I I25 And full of peace; now toil, and turbulent I For underflanding rul'd not ; and the will i-leard not her lore ; but in fubjeaion now tenfual appetite, who from beneath Ufurping, over fov'reign reafon claim'd, 1130 uperior Tway; from thus dillemper'd breaft, Adam eftrang'd in look and alter'd flyle, e h fl thus to Eve rcnewd p, eC inter itt m ' c Would