Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

T 0 /VI PARADISE LOST: N TWELVE B O O K S. BOOK MEan-while the hainous and defpiteful ad Of Satan, done in Paradife, and how He, in the ferpent, had perverted Eve, Her hufband fhe, to tafte the fatal fruit, Was known in heav'n : for what can fcape the eye s Of God all-feeing, or deceive His heart Omnifcient ? Who, in all things wife and juft, Hinder'd not Satan to attempt the mind Of man, with ftrength entire, and free-will arm'd ; Complete to have difcoverad, and repuls'd 1c) Whatever wiles of foe, or feeming friend, For fill they knew, (and ought t' have fill remember'd) The high injunttion, not to tafle that fruit, Whoever tempted : which they not obeying (Incurr'd what could they leis ?) the penalty ; 15 And manifold in fin, deferv'd to fall. N n Up