Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

266 PARADISE LOST. BOOK X. Up into heav'n from Paradife in hafte Th' Angelic Guards afcended, mute and fad For man ; for of his ftate by this they knew : Much wondring how the fubtile fiend had flol'n 20 Entrance unfeen. Soon as th' unwelcome news From earth arriv'd at heaven-gate, difpleas'd All were who heard : dim fadnefs did not (pare That time cceleflial vifages ; yet mix'd With pity, violated not their blifs. About the new-arriv'd, in multitudes Th' ethereal people ran, to hear and know How all befel : they towards the Throne Supreme Accountable made hafle, to make appear With righteous plea, their utmoft vigilance; 30 And eafily approv'd : when the Moft High Eternal Father, from His fecret cloud Amidft, in thunder utter'd thus His voice. Affembi'd Angels, and ye Pow'rs return'd From unfuccefsful charge ! be not difmay'd, Nor troubrol at thefe tidings from the earth, Which your fincereft care could not prevent, Foretold fo lately what would come to pats, When firft this tempter crofs'd the gulf from hell. I told ye then he fhould prevail, and (peed 40 On his bad errand ; man fbould be feduc'd, And flatter'd out of all, believing lies Againft his Maker : no decree of Mine Concurring to neceflitate his fall ; Or touch with lighteft moment of impulfe 45 His freewill, to her own inclining left In even fcale. But fall'n he is : and now What mils, but that the mortal Sentence pals On his tranfgreffion, death denounc'd that day ? Which he prefumes already vain, and void, 50 Becaule 35