Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

BOOK X. PARADISE LOST. 267 Decade not yet inflicted, (as he fear'd) By fome immediate firoke : but foon (hall find Forbearance no acquittance, e'er day end. juitice (hall not return, as bounty, fcorn'd. But whom fend I to judge them ? whom but Thee g Vicegerent Son? To Thee I have transfer'd All judgment, whether in heav'n, or earth, or hell. Eafy k might be Peen that I intend Mercy colleague with juflice, fending Thee, Man's friend, his Mediator, his defign'd 6o Both I? anfom, and Redeemer, voluntary ; And deftin'd man Himfeif, to judge man fall'n. So fpake the Father, and unfolding bright Tow'rd the right hand His Glory, on the Son Blaz'd forth unclouded Deity : He full Relplendent all His Father manifeft Exnrefs'd and thus divinely anfweed mild. Father Iri:ternal ! Thine is to decree ; Mule, both in heav'n and earth to do Thy will Supreme ; that Thou in Me Thy Son belov'd 70 Mayft ever reft well pleas'd. I go to judge On earth thefe Thy tranfgreffors ; but Thou know'it, Whoever judg'd, the wort} on Me mull light, When time (hall be ; for fo I undertook Before thee: and not repenting, this obtain 75 Of right, that I may mitigate their doom On Me deriv'd : yet I (hall temper fo Juftice with Mercy, as may illuflrate molt Them fully fatisfy'd, and Thee appeafe. Attendance none (hall need, nor train, where none So Are to behold the judgment, but the judg'd, Thole Two : the Third bat abfent is conciemn'd; Convid by flight, and rebel to all law : Convittion to the ferpent none belongs. Thus