Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

Boca( X. PARADISE LOST. 269 The gracious Judge without revile reply'd. My voice thou oft haft heard, and haft not fear'd, But Bill rejoyc'd how is it now become 120 So dreadful to thee ? That thou art naked, who Hath told thee ? Haft thou eaten of the tree, Whereof 1 gave thee charge thou fhouldft not eat ? To whom thus Adam, fore befet ! 0 heav'n I in evil arait this day I (laud 125 Before my Judge, either to undergo My fell the total crime ; or to accufe My other fell, the partner of my life : Whole failing, while her faith to me remains, I fhould conceal, and not txpole to blame 130 By my complaint. But lurid neccffity Subdues me, and calamitous conaraint ! Lea on my head both fin and punifhment, However inlupportable, be all Dcvolv'd. Though lhould 1 hold my peace, yet Thou Wouldft eafily deted what I conceal.- 136 This Woman, whom Thou mad'll to be my help, And gav'a me as thy petted gift, Co good, So fit, to acceptable, fo divine, That from her hand I could fufped no ill : 140 And what fhe did, whatever in it felf, Her doing feem'd to juftifie the deed ; She gave me of the tree,-and 1 did eat 1 To whom the Sov'reign Prefence thus reply'd. Was She thy God, that Her thou dida obey 145 Before His voice ? Or was She made thy guide, Superior, or but equal; that to Her Thou didft refign thy manhood, and the place Wherein God let thee above her, made of thee ; And for thee ; whole perfedion far excell'd 150 Hers, I