Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

270 PARADISE LOST: Boox Hers, in all real dignity ? Adorn'd She was indeed, and lovely to attraCt Thy love; not thy fubjeCtion : and her gifts Were fuch, as under government wellfeern'd ; Unfeemly to bear rule : which was thy part, And perfon, hadit thou known thy Pelf aright. 155 So having Paid, he thus to Eve in few : Say, woman, what is this which thou haft done ? To whom fad Eve, with fhame nigh overwhelm'd, Confeffing loon; yet not before her Judge 160 Bold, or loquacious, thus abafh'd The Serpent me beguil'd, and I did eat 1 Which when the Lord God heard, without delay To judgment He proceeded on th' accus'd Sereeet, though brute ; unable to transfer 16 The guilt on him, who made him inftrument Of mitchief, and polluted from the end Of his creation ; juftly then accutil, As vitiated in nature. More to know Corcern'd not man, (fence he no further knew) 170 Nor altet'd his offence yet God at hit To Satan, firft in fin, his doom apply'd, Though in envflerious terms, judg'd as then heft : And on the Serpent thus his curie let fall. Becaufe thou hail done this, thou art accurft 175 Above all cattle, each beat t of the field : Upon thy belly groveling thou (halt go ; And dull (halt eat, all the days of thy life ;- Between thee, and the woman, I will put Enmity ; and between thine and her feed : 18o Her teed (hall bruile thy head, thou bruiie his heel. So