Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

BOOK X. PARADISE LOST, 271 So fpake this oracle, then verify'd When Jefus fon of Mary (fecond Eve) Saw Satan fall, like lightning, down from heav'n, Prince of the air : then, riling from his grave, 185 Spoil'd Principalities and Pow'rs, triumph'd In open thew ; and, with afcenfion bright, Captivity led captive through the air, The realm itfelf of Satan, long ufurp'd ; Whom He (hall tread at latI under our feet : rgo Ev'n He who now foretold his fatal bruife ; And to the woman thus His fentence turn'd. Thy forrow I will greatly multiply By thy conception ; children thou fhalt bring In forrow forth ; and to thy hufbind's will Thine (hall fubmit, he over thee (hall 195 On Adam lafl thus judgment he pronounc'd Becaufe thou haft hearken'd to the voice of thy wife, And eaten of the tre.!, concerning which I charg'd thee, Paying, thou (halt not eat thereof: 200 Curs'd is the ground for thy fake : thou in forrow Shalt eat thereof, all the days of thy life : Thorns alto, and thiCtles, it (hall bring thee forth Unbid ; and thou (halt eat th' herb of the field. In the fweat of thy face (halt thou eat bread, 205 Till thou return unto the ground ; for thou Out of the ground waft taken, (know thy birth) For duff thou art, and (halt to dila return. So judg'd He man, both Judge and Saviour fent; And th' inftant (troke of Death, denouned that day, Remov'd far off : then pitying how they flood 211 Before him naked to the air, (that now Mu(t fuffer change) difdain'd not to begin Thenceforth