Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

272 PARADISE LOST. BooKX. Thenceforth the form of fervant to affume As when He waffi'd His fervants feet ; fo now, 215 As father of His family, He clad Their nakednefs with fkins of beafts ; or (lain, Or (as the fnake) with youthful coat repaid : And thought not much to cloath His enemies. N, r he their outward only, with the fkins 220 O befts, but inward nakednefs (much more Opprobrious !) with his robe of righteoufnefs Arraying, cover'd from his Father's fight. To Himwith fwift afcent He up return'd, (into his blisful bofom reaffum'd 225 In glory, as of old) to him appeas'd All (tho' all knowing) what had pail with man Recounted, mixing interceffion fweet. Mean while e'er thus was fin'd and judg'd on earth Wit aiu the gates of hell fat Sin and Death, 230 In counter view within the gates, that now Stood open wide, belching outr?gious flame Far into Chaos, fince the fiend pafs'd through, Sin op'rling ; who thus now to Death began. 0 fon ! why fit we here each other viewing 235 Idly, while Satan, our great author, thrives In other worlds, and happier feat provides For us his off- fpring dear ? It cannot be But that fuccefs attends him: if rnifhap, E'er this he had return'd, with fury driv'n 240 By his avengers, fince no place like this Co ., fit his punannent, or their revenge. Methinks I feel new firength within me rife, Wings growing, and dominion giv'n me large Beyond this deep : whatever draws me on, Or fympathy, or fome connaeral force, Pow'rful at greateft diftance to unite 245 With