Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

BooK X. PARADISE LOST. 273 With fecret amity, things of like kind ; By fecretefl conveyance. Thou, my Shade Infeparable, muff with me along : 250 For Death from Sin no pow'r can feparate. Bat left the difficulty of paffino. back Stay his return, perhaps, over this gulf lmdaffable, impervious ; let us try (Advent'rous work ! yet to thy pow'r, and mine, Not unagreeable) to found a path Over this Main, from hell to that new world, Where Satan now prevails ; a monument Of merit high, to all th' infernal holt ; Eafing their paffage hence, for intercourfe, 260 Or tranfmigration, as their lot (hall lead. Nor can I mils the way, fo ftrongly drawn By this new-felt attraction, and inflind. Whom thls the meagre Shadow anfvve d foon. Go whither fate, and inclination ftrong 265 Leads thee ; I (hall not lag behind, nor err The way, thou leading : filch a fcent I draw Of carnage, prey innumerable ! and tafte The favor of Death from all things there that live. Nor (hall I to the work thou enterprileft 270 Be wanting, but afford thee equal aid. So laying, with delight he inuff'd the fmell Of mortal change on earth. As when a flock Of ravenous fowl, though many a league remote, Againft the day of battel, to a field, 275 Where armies lie encamp'd, come flying, lur'd With (cent of living carcaffes, defign'd For death the following day, in bloody, fight : So fcented the grim Feature, and up-turdd His noftrils wide, into the murky air, 280 0 o Sagacious 255