Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

274 PARADISE LOST. ,Boote 3cf Sagacious of his Qtyrry from lo far. Then both from out hell-gates, into the wafte Wide anarchy of Chaos, damp and da' k, Flew divers ; and with pow'r (their pow'r was great) Hovering upon the waters; what they met ggj Solid or (limy, as in raging fea Toft up and down, together crowded drove From each fide fhoaling towards the mouth of hell : As when two Polar winds, blowing adverfe Upon the Cronian fea, together drive 290 Mountains of ice, that flop th' imagin'd way Beyond Petzora eatiward, to the rich Cathaian coafl. The aggregated foil Death wiql his mace petrific, cold and dry, As with a trident smote; and fix'd as firm 295 As Delos floating once : the reit, his look Bound with Gorgonian rigor, not to move : And with Alphattic {lime, (broad as the gate, Deep to the roots of hell) the gather'd beach They failen'd ; and the Mole immenfe wrought on, Over the foaming Deep high arch'd ; a bridge, 301 Of length prodigious, joining to the wall Immoveable of this now fencelefs world, Forfeit to Death. From hence, a paffage broad, Smooth, eafy, inoffenfive, down to hell. 305 So (if great things to fmall may be cornpar'd) Xerxes, the Liberty of Greece to yoke, From Sufa (his Nietnnonian palace high) Came to the lea ; and over Hellefpont Ridging his way, Europe with Afiajoin'd ; 310 And Icourg'd with many a ftroke th' indignant waves. Now had they brought the work, by wondrous art Pontifical (a ridge of pendent rock Over the vex'd Abyfs, following the track Of ratan) to the felf-fame place where he 31.5 Fait