Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

Book X. PARADISE LOS T.; Firit lighted from his wing, and landed fafe From cut of Chaos to the outfide bare Of this round world: with pins of adamant And chains they made all faft ; inn fad they made, And durRbIel And now, in little fpace, 320 The confines met of empyrean heav'n, And of this world ; and on the left hand, hell, With long reach interpos'd : three leVral ways In fight', to each of thefe three places led. And now their way to earth they had rkfcry'd, 325. To Paradife find tending ; when, behold I Satan, in likenefs of an tingel bright, Betwixt the Centaur and the Scorpion tieering Its Znith, while the fun in Aries role : Difguis'd he came ; but thole his children dear 330' Thcir parent loon difcern'd, though in dilguifei FL:, after Eve fedued, unminded flunk Into the wood fait by ; and changing shape T' obferve the fequel, (aim his guileful at By Eve (though all unweeting) feconded 335 Upon her hutband: taw thtir thane, that rough Vain covertures : but when he law defcend The Son of God to judge them, terrify'd He fled ; not hoping to efcape, but thou The prelent ; fearing guilty what his wrath 340 Might fuddenly inflid: that pad, return'd By night, and liflening where the hapiels Pair Sat in their fad difcourfe, and various plaint, Thence gather'd his own doom : which underftond Not initant, but of future time, with joy 345 And tidings fraught, to hell he now return'd : And at the brink of Chaos, near the foot Of this new wondrous Pontifice, unhop'd Met, who to meet him came, his off-fpring dear. Great joy was at their meeting, and at fight, 350 Of that ttupendous bridge, his joy increas'd. Long 275