Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

276 -PARADISE LOST: Boox.X. Long he admiring flood, till Sin, his fair Inchanting daughter, thus the filence broke. 0 parent ! thefe are thymagnific deeds ; Thy trophies, which thou view'fl as not thine own; Thou art their author, and prime architet. 356 For I no fooner in my heart divin'd (My heart, which by a fecret harmony Still moves with thine, join'd in connection fweet !) That thou on earth hada profper'd, which thy looks Now alfo evidence, but ftrait I felt 361 (Though diftant from the worlds between, yet felt) That I mull after thee, with this thy fon Such fatal confequence unites us three ! Hell could no longer hold us in her bounds; 365 Nor this unvoyageabie gulf obfcure, Detain from following thy illuflrious track. Thou haft atchiev'd our liberty, confin'd Within hell gates till now ; Thou us irnpower'd To fortifie thus far, and over-lay 370 With this portemous bridge the dark Abyfs. Thine now is all this world ; thy virtue bath won What thy hands budded not: thy wifdom gain'd, With odds what war bath loft ; and fully aveng'd Our foil in heav'n: here thou (halt Monarch reign ; There dicift not : there let Him Ili!' victor Tway, 376 As battel bath adjudg'd, from this new world Retiring, by His own doom alienated ; And henceforth Monarchy with thee divide 0f all things, parted by di' empyreal bounds, 380 His quadrature, from thy orbicular world ; Or try thee, now more dang'rous to His throne. Whom thus the Prince of Darknefs anfwer'd glad. Fair Daughter, and thou Son and Grandchild both ! pigh proof ye now have giv'n to be the race 385 Of