Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

277 LOST. Boom X. Of Satan (for I glory in the name, Antagonift of heav'n's Almighty King) Amply haire merited of me, of all Th' infernal empire, that, to near heav'n's door, Triumphal with triumphal ad have met, 390 Mine with this glorious work ; and made one realm Hell and this world (our realm) one Continent Of eafy thorough-fare. Therefore while I Defcend through darknefs, on your road with cafe, To my affociate pow'rs, them to acquaint 395 With thefe fucceffes, and with them rcjoyce ; You two this way, among thefe numerous orbs (All yours !) right down to Paradife defcend : There dwell, and reign in blifs ; thence on the earth Dominion exercife, and in the air, 400 Chiefly on Man, Cole Lord of all declar'd: Him firft make Pure your thrall, and lailly kill. My fubflitutes 1 lend ye, and create Plenipotent on earth, of matchlefs might lffuing from me : on your joint vigor now 405 My hold of this new kingdom all depends ; Through fin to death expos'd by my exploit. if your joint pow'r prevail, th' affairs of hell No detriment need fear ; go and be ftrong. So laying he difmifs'd them ; they with (peed 410 Their courfe through thickeft conftellat.ons held, Spreading their bane : the blafted ftars look'd wan, And Planets, Planet-ftruck, real Eclipfe Then fuffer'd. Tr: other way. Satan went down The caufey to hell gate : on either fide, 415 Difparted Chaos over-built exclaim'd, And with rebounding furge the bars affail'd, That fcorn'd his indignation. Through the gate, Wide open and unguarded, Satan pats'd, And 1