Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

278 P AAli'D ISE LOST. Boot( 3C; And all about found defolate : for thofe 420 Appointed to fit there had left their charge,. Flown to the upper world : the reft we all Far to th' in-land retir'd, about the walls OfPandoemonium, city and proud feat Of Lucifer (fo by allufion call'd, 425 O that bright liar to Satan paragon'd) There kept their watch the legions, while the Grand In council fat, felicitous what chance Might intercept their Emperor fent : fo he Departing gave command, and they obferv'd. 430 As when the Tartar from his Ruffian foe, By Afiracan, over the fnovvy Retires : or Baarian Sophy from the Horns Of Turkifh Cretcent, leaves all vvafte beyond The realm of Aladule, in his retreat - 435 To Taurus, or Cafbeen : fo thofe (the late 1-leav'n-banith'd hott) left defert utrnoft hell Many a dark league, reduc'd in careful watch Round their Metropolis ; and now expeding Each hour their great adventurer from the fearch 440 Of foreign worlds : he through the midft unmark'd, In thew Plebein Angel militant Of loweft Order, pall ; and from the door Of that Plutonian hall, invifible Afcended his high thane; which under Rate 445 Ot richtft texture fpread, at th' upper end Was plac'd in regal lultre. Down a-while He fat, and round about him taw unfeen. At laft, as from a cloud, his fulgent head, And fhape liar- bright, appear'd, (or brighter, clad 450 With what pert-naive glory tince his fall Was left him, or falie glitter :) all amaz'd At that fo tudden blaze, the Stygian throng Bent their alptd, and whom they wifh'd beheld, Their