Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

PooK X. PARADISE LOST: .274 Their mighty chief return'd: loud was th' acclaim! 455 Forth ruib'd in Mite the great confuiting Peers, Rais'd from their dark Divan, and with like joy Conratulant approach'd him ; who with hand Silence, and with thefe words attention, won, Thrones, Dominations, Princedoms, Virtues,Pow'rs! For in pofreCfion loch, not only of right, 460 I call ye and declare ye now ; return'd Succefsful beyond hope, to lead ye forth Triumphant out of this infernal pit Abominable, accurs'd, the houfe of woe, 465 And dungeon of our tyrant ! now poffefs, As Lords, a fpacious world, t' our native heav'n Little inferior, by my adventure hard With peril great atchiev'd. Long were to tell What I have done, what fuffer'd, with what pain 470 Vorg'd th' unreal, vaft, unbounded Deep Of horrible confufion ! over which By Sin and Death a broad way now is pav'd, To expedite your glorious march : but I Toil'd out my uncouth paffage, forc'd to ride 475 Th' untradable, Abyfs, plung'd in the womb Of unoriginal night, and Chaos wild: That, jealous of their fecrets, fiercely oppos'd My journey ftrange, with clamorous uproar Proteaing fate fupreme : thence, how I found 480 The new-created world, which fame in heav'n Long had foretold ; a fabric wonderful ! Of ahfolute perfection : therein Man, Plac'd in a Paradife, by our exile Made happy : him by fraud I have feduc'd 485 F -n his Creator ; and, the more t' increafe Your wonder, with an apple : He thereat Offended, worth your laughter, hath gur'n up Both II