Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

280 PAR AD S S' T. Boor X; Both his beloved Man, and allshis world, To Sin and Death a prey, and fo to Us, 490 Without our hazard, labor, or alarm ; To range in, and to dwell, and over man To rule, as over all he fhould have rul'd. True is, me alfo he hath judg'd (or rather Me not, but the brute ferpent, in whole fhape 495 Man I deceiv'd) that which to me belongs, Is enmity, which He will put between Me and mankind ; I am to bruife his heel ; His feed, when is not fet, (hall bruife my head. A world who would not purchafe with a bruife, 500 Or much more grievous pain ? Ye have th' account Of my performance : What remains, ye Gods, But up and enter now into full blifs ?- So having Paid, a-while he flood, expecting Their univerfal fhout, and high applaufe 505 To fill his ear ; when contrary, he hears On all fides, from innumerable tongues, A difmal univerfal hifs, the found Of public (corn : he wonder'd, but not long Had leifure, wond'ring at himfelf now more : 510 His vifage drawn he felt to (harp and fpare ; His arms clung to his ribs ; his legs entwining Each other, till fupplanted down he fell ; A monftrous ferpent on his belly prone, Reludant ; but in vain ! a greater pow'r 515 Now rul'd him, punifh'd in the fhape he finn'd, According to his doom. He would have fpoke ; But has for hifs return'd with forked tongue, To forked tongue; for now were all transform'd Alike, to ferpents all, as acceffories 520 To his bold riot : dreadful was the din Of hiding through the hall, thick (warming now With