Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

BOOK X. PARADISE LOST.' 28X With complicated monflers head and tail; Scorpion, and Afp, and Amphifbmna dire, Cerafles horn'd, Hydrus, and Elops drear, 525 And Dipfas (not fo thick fwarrn'd once the foil Bedrop'd with blood of Gorgon ; or the ifle Ophiufa) but Hill greateft he the mida, NowDragon grown; laFger than whom the fun Ingender'd in the Pythian vale on (lime, 53° Huge Python ! and his pow'r no leis he feem'd Above the reit to retain : they all Him follow'd, iffuing forth to th' open field ; Where all yet left of that revolted rout, Heav'n.fall'n, in Ration flood or jolt array, 535 Sublime with expeaation, when to fee In triumph iffuing forth their glorious Chief: They faw, but other fight inftead I a crowd Of ugly ferpents : horror on them fell, And horrid fympathy : for what they faw, 54o They felt themfelves, now changing : down their arms, Down fell both fpear and fhielel, down they as fart : And the dire hifs renew'd, and the dire foam Catch'd by contagion ; like in punifhment, As in their crime. Thus was the applaufe they meant, Turn'd to exploding hifs, triumph to shame, 546 Call on themfelves from their own mouths. There flood A grove hard by, fprung up with this their change, (His Will, Who reigns above !) to aggravate Their patience, laden with fruit, like that sso Which grew in Paradife, the bait of Eve Us'd by the tempter : on that profped ft range Their earnett eyes they flx'd ; imagining For one Forbidden Tree, a multitude Now ris'n, to work them further woe or fhame 555 Yet parch'd with fcalding thirft, and hunger fierce, Though to delude them fent, could not abaaln P p Bug