Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

PARAhISE 1300K:. Xe But on they roll'd in heaps, and up the trees Climbing, fat thicker than the inaky locks That curl'd Megra : greedily they pluck'd 56o The fruitage fair to fight (Hee that which grew Near that bituminous lake where Sodom flam'd This more delufive, not the touch, but tafte Deceiv'd) they fondly thinking to allay Their appetite with gull, inftead offruit 565 Chew'd bitter Allies, which th' offended tafte With fpattering noife rejeaed : oft they affay'd, Hunger and thirft conftraining drug'd as oft With hatefullefl difrelifb, writh'd their jaws, With foot and cinders fill'd : fo, oft they fell 57° Into the fame illufion ; not as man, [plagu'd Whom they triurnph'd, once laps'd. Thus were they And worn with famine, long and ceafelefs hifs, Till their loft fhape, permitted, they refum'd : Yearly injoin'd, fome fay, to undergo 575 This annual humbling certain number'd days, To dafh their pride, and joy for man feduc'd. However, fome tradition they difpers'd Among the Heathen, of their purchafe got, And fabled how the ferpent, whom they call'd 580 Ophion, with Eurynome (the wide Encroaching Eve perhaps) had firft the rule Of high Olympus ; .hence by Saturn driv'n, And Ops, e'er yet Di6lan Jove was born. Mean while in Paradife the hellifh pair Too loon arriv'd, Sin, there in pow'r before, Once adual 5 now in body, and to dwell Habitual habitant ; behind her Death, Clofe following pace for pace, not mounted yet On his pale horfe : to Whom Sin thus began. .585 59° Second