Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

Poor X. PAKADISE LOST. 283 Second of Satan fprung, all-conquering Death 1 What think'll thou of our empire now ? Tho' earn'd With travel difficult, not better far, Than Hill at hell's dark threfhold t' have fat watch, Unnain'd, undreaded, and thy fell half Itarv'd ? 595 Whom thus the fin-born Bloater anfwer'd loon : To me, who with eternal famine pine, Alike is Hell, or Paradite, or Heav'n ; There bell, where moa with ravine I may meet Which here, tho' plenteous, all too little teems 600 To fluff this maw, this vat} un-hid-bound corps. To whom th' incefluous mother thus reply'd: Thou therefore on thefe herbs, and fruits, and flow'rs Feed firft ; on each heaft next, and fith, and fowl ; No homely morfels 1 and whatever thing 605 The fcithe of Time moves down, devour unfpar'd : Till I in man refuting, through the race, His thoghts, his looks, words, actions all infed ; And (colon him thy laft and ivveetelt prey. This laid, they both betook them feveral ways, 610 Both to dettroy, or un-immortal make All kinds ; and for deflruclion to mature Sooner or later which th' Almighty teeing, From his tranfcendent feat the.Saints among, To thofe bright Orders vtter'd thus His voice. 615 See! with what heat thefe dogs of hell advance, To walk and havock yonder world, which I So fair and good created : and had (till Kept in that Rate, had not the follyof man Let in thefe wafleful Furies ; who impute 62o Folly to me : fo doth the Prince of And