Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

284 PARADISE LOST, BooK X. And his adherents, that with fo much eafe 1 fuffer them to enter and poffefs A place fo heav'nly, and conniving feern To gtatifie my fcornful enemies, 625 That laugh, as if (tranfported with fame fit Of paffion) I to them had quitted all, At random yielded up to their mif-rule An l know not that I cali'd, and drew them thither, My hell-hounds, to lick up the, and filth, 6jo Which man's polluting fin with taint had fhed Cn what was pure : till cramm'd and gorg'd, nigh With fuck'd and glutted offal, at one fling [bunt, Of Thy vidorious arm, well-pleafing Son ! 634 Both Sin, and Death, and yawning Grave, at laft Through Chaos hurl'd, obitrud the mouth of hell For ever, and feal up his ravenous jaws. Then, heav'n and earth renew'd, (hall be made pure To fandity, that (hall receive no (lain: Till then, the curie pronounc'd on both precedes. 640 He ended, and the heav'nly audience loud Sung Hallelujah, as the found of leas, Through multitude that Tung I " Jufi are Thy ways, Righteous are Thy Decrees on all Thy walks ; " Who can extenuate Thee ? next, to the Son, 645 Deftin'd reftorer of Mankind, by whom as New heav'n and earth (Dail to the ages rife ; " Or down from heav'n defcend. Such was their fong, While the Creator calling forth by name His mighty Angels, gave them feveral charge, 65o As icn ted bell with prefcnt things. The fun Had fira his precept la to move, fo thine, As might affe6t the earth with cold, and heat, Scarce toilet able ; and from the north to call Decrepid Winter ; from the fouth to bring 655