Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

1300K X. PARADISE LOST. 285 Solflitial fummer's heat. To the blanc moon Her office they prefcrib'd ; to th' other Five, Their planetary motions, and afpeets, In Sextile, Square, and Trine, and Oppofite, Of noxious efficacy ; and when to join In fynod unbenign : and taught the Fix'd Their influence malignant when to fhow'r ; Which of them, riling with the fun, or failing, Should prove tempeftuous. To the winds they let Their corners ; when with bluffer to confound 655 Sea, air, and fhore : the thunder, when to roll With terror through the dark aereal hall. Scme fay, He bid His Angels turn afcanfe The Poles of earth, twice ten degrees and more, From the fun's axle ; they with labor puth'd 670 Oblique the centric globe : f; me fay the fun Was bid turn reins from th' lEquin,,clial road Like diaant breadth to Taurus, with the fev'n Atlantic fitters, and the Spartan twins, Up to the Tropic Crab ; thence, down amain 675 By Leo, and the Virgin, and the Scales, As deep as Capricorn, to bring in change Of feathits to each clime : die had the fpring Perpetual frnii'd on earth with vernant flow'rs, Equal in days and nights, except to thole 68o Beyond the Polar circles : to them day Had unbenighted (hone, while the low fun To recompenfe his diaance, in their fight Had rounded Hill th' Horizon, and not known Or eaft or weft ; which had forbid the fnow 685 From cold Eaotiland ; and fouth as far Beneath M-Igellan. At that tatted fruit The fun, as from Thyeftean banquet, turn'd His courfe intended ; die how had the world inhabited, though iinlefs, more than now 693 Avoided 66o