Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

486 PARADISE LOST. BooK X. Avoided pinching cold, and fcorching heat Thefe changes in the heav'ns (though flow) produc'd Like change on fea, and land; lidera' blatl, Vapor, and miff, and exhalation hot ; Corrupt, and pettilent ! Now from the north 695 Of Norumbe.que, and the Sarnoed thore, Bursting their brazen dungeon, arm'd with ice And fnow, and hail, and ttormy guff, and flaw, Boreas, and Cxcias, and Argettes loud, And Thrafcias, rend the woods, and Peas up-turn: 700 With.adverfe Waft up turns them from the fouth Notus, and Afer, black with thundrous clouds From Sierra Liona : thwart of thele, as fierce, Forth rufh the Levant, and the Ponent winds, Eurus, and Zephyr ; with their lateral noife, 705 Sirocco, and Libecchio. Thus began Outrage from lifelefs things: but difcord firft (Daughter of Sin) among th' irrational Death introduc'd, through fierce antipathy : Beall nowwith beaft 'gar) war, and fowl with fow1,70 And fitb with fifh : to graze the herb all leaving, Devour'd each other ; nor flood much in awe Of man, but fled him, or with counenance grim Glat'd on him palling. Thefe were from without The growing miteries, which Adam law 715 Already in part, though hid in gloomieft (bade, To farrow abandon'd: but worfe felt within I And in a troubled fea of paffion toil, Thus to disburden fought with tad complaint. 0 miferable of happy ! is this the end 720 Of this new glorious world, and me fo late The glory of that glory, who now become Accurti (Ibleffed ? Hide me from the face Of God, whom to behold was then my height Of