Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

BooK3C. PARADISE LOST. 287 Of happinefs ! yet well, if here would end 725 The mifery ; I defery'd it, and would bear My own defervings ; but this will not ferve ! All that I eat, or drink, or fha I beget Is propagated curie. 0 voice once heard Delightfully, " Increafe and multiply ;" 73o Now death to hear ! Fur what can I increafe, Or multiply, but curfes on my head ? Who of all ages to fucceed, but feeling The evil on him brought by me, will curie My head ? ill fate our anceilor impure ! 735 For this we may thank Adam! but his thanks Shall be the execration : 10 betides Mine own that bide upon me, all from me Shall with a fierce reflux on me redound : On me, as on their natural centre, light : 740 Heavy, though in their place ! 0 fleeting joys Of Paradife dear bought with !ailing woes ! Did I requell Thee, Maker, from my clay, To mold me man ? Did I folicit Thee From darknefs to promote me ? Or here place 745 In this delicious garden ? As my will Concurr'd not to my Being, it were but right, And equal, to reduce me to my duft, Defirous to refign, and render back All I receiv'd ; unable to perform 75° Thy terms too hard, by which I was to hold The good I fought not. To the loCs of that, Sufficient penalty ! why hail thou added The fenfe of endlefs woes ? Inexplicable Thy juitice feems.-Yet, to fay truth, too late, 755 I thus conteil : then should have been refus'd Thefe terms, whatever, when they were propos'd: Thou dicta accept them ; wilt thou enjoy the good, Then cavil the conditions ? And though God Made