Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

290 PARADISE LOST. Poox.X. And reafonings (rho' thro' mazes) lead me fill 830 But to my Own conviaion : firff and laft On me, me only, as the fource and boring Of all corruption, all the blame ligh:s due : So might the wrath ! Fond will) ! couldit thou fupeort That hurden, heavier than the earth to hear ; 835 Than all the world much heavier ; though divided With that bad woman ? Thus what thou defiett And what thou fear'tt, alike defiroys all hope Of refuge; and concludes thee milerable, Beyond all pail example, and future : 840 To Satan only like, both crime and doom. O Confcience ! into what Abyfs of fears And horrors haft thou driv'n we ? Out of which 1 find no way, from deep to deeper plung'd Thus Adam to himfelf lamented loud, 845 Through the fiill night ; not now (as e'er man fell) Whollome, and cool, and mild ; but w;th black air Accompany'd ; with damps and &each-Ill groom; Which to his evil conicience reprefenad All things with double terror. On the ground Sso Outfretch'd he 1,-.37, on the cold ground ! and oft Curs'd his creation : Death as oft accus'd Of tardy execution, fence denounc'd The day of his offence. Why comes not Death, ? 855 To end me ? Shall Truth fail to keep her word (Said he) with one thrice acceptable ftroke jutlice Divine not halter) to be jult ? But death comes not at call, Jufice Divine Mends not her floweit pace for pray'rs, or cries! O woods, 0 fountains, hills, rocks, dales, and bow'rs With other echo late I taught your thades 8o' To anfwer, and refound far other long !- Whom thus afflided when fad Eve beheld, Defolate