Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

1300K X. PARADISE LOST. 291 Defolate where the fat, approaching nigh, Soft words to his fierce paffion the affay'd; 865 But her with Item regard he thus repell'd. Out of my fight, thou ferpent !-That name belt &fits thee, with him leagu'd ; thy felf as falfe And hatefui : nothing wants, but that thy dive, Vice his, and color ferpentine, may thew $70 Thy inward fraud ; to warn all creatures from thee Henceforth ; left that too heav'nly form, pretended To hellith falfhoxi, fnate them ! But for thee I had perfiiied happy ; Ind not thy pride And wanning vanity, when iegi was (4fes: 875 Rejected my forewathing, and clifdain'd Not to be trulled ; longing to be leen, Though by the devil hitnielf ; him overweening To over-reach but with the ferpent meeting, Fool'd and beguil'd, by him thou, I by thee 88o To trtiA thee from my :fide; imagin'd wife? Conflant, mature, proof againft all affaults, And underflood not all was but a thew. Rather than folid virtue ; all bat a rib, Crooked by nature, bent .(as now appears) B85 More to the part finitter from me drawn ; Well if thrown out, as fupernumerary To my jud number found ! .0 ! why did God, Creator wife ! that peopl'd highett heav'o With fpirits malculine, c:eate at laid 890 This novelty on earth, this fair defect 94 nature? And not fill,the world at once With men, as Angels, without teminine ? Or find form other way to generate Mankind ? This rnifchief had not then befall'n, 895 rind more that fhall befal innumerable fturbarweii on earth through femal InAres. And