Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

292 PARADISE LOST. Boole X. And flrait conjundin with this fex : for either He never (hall find out fit mate ; but Inch As fonie misfortune brings him, or miflake ; goo Or, whom he wifhes molt, [hall feldom gain Through her perverfenefs ; but !hall fee her gain'd By a far worfe : or if fhe love, with-held By parents ; or his happieft choice too late Shall meet ; already link'd, and wedlock-bound 905 To a fell adverfary, his hate, or flame : Which infinite calamity alai' cattle To human life, and houfhold peace confound ! He added not, and from her turn'd.-But Eve Not fo repuls'd, with rears that ceas'd not flowing 910 And treks all difordet'd, at his feet Fell humble ; and embracing them, befought His peace, and thus proceeded in her plaint. Forfake me not thus, Adam ! Witnefs heav'n What L:ve fincere, and reverence in my heart 915 I bear thee, and unweeting have offended, Unhappily deceiv'd ! Thy luppliant I beg, and clafp thy knees ; bereave me not (Whereon -1 live. !) thy gentle looks, thy aid, Thy counfel, in this utrermall diflrefs, 920 My only tlrength, and flay ! Forlorn of Thee, Whither ihali I betake me, where lubfill ? While yet we live, (icarce one (hurt hour perhaps) Between us wo let there be peace ; both joining (As joio'd injuries) one enmity 925 Againft a foe by doom exprefs affign'd us, That cruel serpent ! On me exercife not Thy hatred for this mifery bcfall'n ; On me already loft ! Me, than thy felf More miferablel Both have fmn'd but thou 93° Again[}