Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

Boole X. PARADISE LOST. Againft God only ; I againft G od, and thee : And to the place of judgment will return, There with my cries importune heav'n ; that all The fentence, from thy head remov'd, may light On me; fole caufe to thee of all this woe, 935 Me, me, only juft object of his ire ! She ended weeping ; and her lowly plight Immoveable, till peace obtain'd from fault Acknowledg'd, and deplor'd, in Adam wrought Comtniferation : foon his heart relented 940 Towards her, his life fo late, and foie delight, Now at his feet fubmiflive in diftrefs ! Creature to fair his reconcilement feeking, His counfel, (whom fhe had difple?ed) his aid I As one difarm'd, his anger all he loft ; 945 And thus with peaceful words uprai,.'d her foon. Unwary, and too defirous (as before, So now) of what thou know'tt not, who defteft The punifhment all on thy fell! Alas Bear thine own firft ; ill able to fuftain 950 His full wrath, whole thou feel'ft as yet leaf} part ; And my difpleafure bear'ft fo ill. If pray'rs Could alter high decrees, I to that place Would fpeed before thee : and be louder heard, That on my head all might be vifited, 955 Thy frailty and infirmer fex forgiv'n ; To Me committed, and by Me expos'd. But rife ; let us no more contend, nor blame Each other ; blam'd enough elfewhere ! But ftrive In offices of love, how we may light'n 960 Each other's burthen, in our thare of woe: Since this day's death denounc'd (if ought I fee) Will prove no fudden, but a flow-pac'd, evil ; 193' A