Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

Boox X. PARADISE LOST, And torment, lefs than none of what we dread) Then, 13,,th ourtelves and feed at once to free From what we fear for both, let us make Ihort, too* Let us Peck death : or he n-lt found, fupply With our own hands his office on our (elves. Why thud we longer thivering under fears, That thew no end but death ; and have the pow'r Of many ways to die, the fhortell chufing, 1005 Dettruecion with deftrudion to deftroy ?- She ended here, or vehement defpair Broke off the reit : fo much of death her thoughts Had entertain'd, as dy'd her cheeks with pale. But Adam, with fuch counfel nothing fway'd, To better hopes his more attentive mind Lab'ring had rais'd; and thus to Eve reply'd. Eve, thy contempt of life, and pleafure, kends To argue in thee fomething more fublime, And excellent, than what thy mind contemns. 1015 But Pelf-defiruecion therefore fought, refutes That excellence thought in thee : and implies, Not thy contempt, but anguith, and regret For lots of life, and pleafure, over-lov'd. Or if thou covet Death, as utmoft end 1020 Of mifery ; lo thinking to evade The penalty pronoune'd ; doubt not but God Hath wifelier arm'd his vengeful ire, than fo To be forettall'd : much more I fear, left Death, So fnatch'd, will not exempt us from the pain 1025 We are by doom to pay; Rather, fuch as Of contumacy will provoke the Higheft. To make death in us live ! Then, let us feek Some tafer retolution ; which methinks I have in view, calling to mind with heed 1030 Part