Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

296 PARADISE LOST. Boole X. Part of our fentence, that " thy feed (hall bruife " The Serpent's head :" Piteous amends ! unlefs Be meant (whom I conjedure) our grand foe, Satan : who in the Serpent path contriv'd Againft us this deceit. To crufh his head 1035 Would be revenge indeed; which will be loft By death brought on our (elves ; or childlefs days Refolv'd, as thou propofea fo, our foe Shall (cape his punifhment ordain'd ; and we Inftead than double ours upon our heads. I°40 No more be mention'd then of violence Againft our (elves ; and wilful barrennefs That cuts us off from hope ; and favors only Rancor, and pride, impatience, and defpite, Reluctance againa God, and His jua yoke 1045 Laid on our necks. Remember with what mild And gracious temper He both heard, and judg'd Without wrath, or reviling : we expeaed Immediate diflolution, which we thought Was meant by Death that day; when lo ! to thee lose Pains only in child- bearing were foretold, And bringing forth; loon recompens'd with joy, Fruit of thy womb: on me the curie aflope Glanc'd on the ground ; with labor I mutt earn My bread: what harm ? Idlenefs had been worse: loss My labor will ftiflain me : and leaft cold, Or heat, (hould injure us, His timely care Hath, unbefought, provided ; and his hands Cloath'd us unworthy ; pitying while he judg'd ! How much more, if we pray him, will his ear l000 Be open, and his heart to pity incline ? And teach us further by what means to Ihun Th' inclement feafons, rain, ice, hail and fnow; Which now the fky, with various face, begins To thew us in this mountain ; while the winds T.-6; Blow