BooK Xi -P. A 11 Blow moift and keen, fhatitering the grkeflitaed, '- Of thefe fair-fpreading trees ; which bids th feat Some better Chi-and, fome better wirmth, to Our limbs beriumm'd ; e'er this diwnal [tat' ie.& Leave cold the night, how we his ga theeitl ath Refle&d, may with matter fere foment; Or,- by collifion of two bodies, grind . The air at trite to fire ; as late the clouds Juilling, or puilfd with winds, rude in their (hock Tine the Plant ightning ; whole thwart flame driv'rz Kindles the gummy bark of Fir, andPalos {down, And fends a comfortable heat from far, ao77 Which might fupply the fun. Such fire to ufe, And what may elfe be remedy, or cure To evils, which our own mifdeeds have wrought ; He will inftrud us praying, and of grace xogi; Befeeching Him. So as we need not fear To pals commodioufly this life, fuftain'd By Him with many comforts; till we end In dull, our final reft, and native home ! To85 What better can we do, than to the place Repairing where He judg'd us, profirate fall Befar,-Him reverent ; and tLere confefs Humbly our faults, and pardon beg ; with tears Waering the ground, and with our fighs the air logo Frequenting, fent from hearts contrite, in fign Of forrow unfeign'd, and humiliation meek ? Undoubtedly He will relent, and turn From His difpleaCure : in whole look ferene, When angry moft He feem'd, and moft fevere, 7095 What elle but favor, grace and mercy (hone? So fpake our father penitent : nor Eve Felt lefs remorfe. They forthwith to the place Repairing where He judg'd them, proftrate fell R r Before 411