Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

PARADISE- LOST. BOOK!. His mighty flature ; on each hand the flames Driv'n backward (lope their pointing fpires, and rowl'd In billows, leave i'th' midfl a horrid vale. Then with expanded wings he (leers his flight 225 Aloft, incumbent on the du(ky air, That felt untiftia.1 weight ; till on dry land He lights, if it -were land that ever burn'd With fold, as the lake with liquid fire ; Aad fuch app.-2aii'd in hue, as when the force, 230 Uf fubterranean wind tianfports a hill Torn from Pelorus, or the thatter'd fide Of thund'rihg whole combuflible A ,d fuel'd entrails thence conceiving fire, buhlim'ci with mineral fury, aid the winds, 235 And leave a finged bottom all involv'd With Item are finoke,' loch felting found the foie Of unbleft,"chfeet Him foilow'd his next mate, Both gioryiug telihave 'fcap'd the Stygian flood, As Gods, and by their own recover'd ttrength, 240 Not by the fuff'ratice fupernal pow'r. Is this the region, thislhe foil, the clime, Said then the loft Arch-Angel, this the feat That we mull change ,for heav'n? this mournful gloom For that ? be it fo, fince he 245 Who now is tov'min can.difpole and bid What (hall be right.: .farthect from him is belt, Whom reafon hath equall'd, force hath made fupremo Above his equals: arc yvell happy fields, Where joy for ever, dwells ! hail horrors I hail 250 Infernal world ! and thou profQundeft hell Receive thy new poffeffor 1 one who brings A mind not to be chang'd by place or time. The mind is its own place, and, in it felf Can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of heav'n. 255 What