Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

M I, TO N's PARADISE LOS T: N TWEL VE BOOKS. BOOK XI. rrHU S they, in lowlieft plight ! repentant flood Praying ; for, from the mercy-feat above, Prevenient grace defcending, had remov'd The ilony from their hearts, and made new flefh Regenerate grow inftead ; that fi8bs now breath'd 5 Unutterable, which the fpirit of pray'r Infpir'd, and wing'd for heav'n with fpeedier flight Than loudeft oratory. Yet their port Not of mean fuitors; nor important lefs Seem'd their petition, than when th' antient Pair to In fables old (lefs antient yet than thefe) Deucalion, and chafte Pyrrha, to reftore The race of mankind drown'd, before the fhrine Of Themis flood devout. To heav'n their pray'rs Flew up, nor mifs'd the way, by envious winds a 5 Blown