Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

3'04 PARADISE LOST% BOOK XI. 0 Sons ! like one of Us man is become To know both good and evil, fince his cane 85 Of that defended fruit but let him boaft His knowledge of good loft, and evil got ; Happier ! had it fuffic'd him to have known Good by it fell, and evil not at all: He for viow, repents, and prays contrite ; My motions in him : longer than they move, His heart I know how variable, and vain, Self-left. Left therefore his now bolder hand Reach alfo of the Tree of Lift, and eat, And live for ever, (dream at leaft to live 95 For ever) to remove him 1 decree, And fend him from the garden forth, to till The ground whence he was taken ; fitter foil I Michael, this My beheft have thou in charge ! Take to thee from among the Cherubim 109 Thy choice of flaming warriors ; left the fiend, (Or in behalf of man, or to invade Vacant poffeffion,) fome new trouble raife. Halle thee ! and from the Paradife of God Without remorfe drive out the finful Pair ; los From hallow'd ground th' unholy : and denounce To them, and to their progeny, from thence Perpetual banifhment. Yet left, they faint, At the fad fentence rigoroufly urg'd, (For I behold them faten'd, and with tears IP" Bewailing their excels) ali terror hide. If patiently thy bidding they obey, Diftnifs them not difconfolate ; reveal o Adam what (hall come in future days, As 1 (hall thee enlighten : intermix 115 My cov'nant in the woman's feed renew'd So fend them forth, tho' forrowing, yet in peace. And on the call-fide of the garden place, Where