Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

106 PARADISE LOST. Book. XI. Bending His ear : perfuafion in me grew That I was heard with favor ; peace return'd Home to my breaft ; and to my memory His prornife, that "thy feed than bruife our foe :" 155 Which, then not minded in chimay, yet now Afrures me that the bitternefs of Death Is pat, and we (hail live. Whence, hail to Thee ! Eve rightly call'd, mother of all mankind, Mother of all things living, fence by Thee t 60 Man is to live ; and all things live for man ! To whom thus Eve, with fad demeanor meek : Ill worthy I, fuch title fhould belong To me tranfgreffor, who, for thee ordain'd A help, became thy fnare : to me reproach 165 Rather belongs, diftruft, and all difpraife I But infinite in pardon was my Judge, That I, who firft brought Death on all, am grac'd The fource of life: next favourable Thou ; Who highly thus t' intitle me vouchfaf '11 170 Far other name deferving 1 But the field To labor calls us, now with fweat impos'd, Though after fleeplefs night : for fee ! the morn, All unconcern'd with our unreft, begins Her rofy progrefs fmiling : let us forth ; 175 I never from thy fide henceforth to firay, Where-e'er our days work lies ; though now enjoin'd Laborious, till day droop ; while here we dwell, What can be toilfome in thefe pleafant walks ? Here let us live, though in fall'n flate, Content ! 180 So fpake, fo with'd much- humbl'dEve; but Fate Subfcrib'd not nature firfi gave figns, imprefs'd On bird, beaft, air ; air fuddenly eclips'd, After fhort blufh of morn : nigh in her light,