Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

BooKXI. PARADISE LOST, 3O7 The bird of Jove, floop'd from his aery tour; 185 Two birds of gaycit plume before him drove : Down from a hill the beaft that reigns in woods, (Full hunter then) purfu'd a gentle brace, Goodlieft of all the foreft, hart and hind ; Direa to th' eaflern gate was bent their flight, 190 Adam obferv'd, and with his eye the chace Purfuing, not unmov'd, to Eve thus fpake. 0 Eve ! fame further change awaits us nigh, Which heav'n, by thet mute figns in nature, thews Forerunners of His porpole : or to warn 195 Us, haply too fecure, of our difcharge From penalty, becaufe from Death releas'd Some days : how long, and what till then our life, Who knows ? Or more than this, that we are duff, And thither muff return and be no more ? 200 Why elle this double objet in our fight, Of flight purfu'd in th' air, and o'er the ground, One way the felf-fame hour ? Why in the eaft Darknell e'er day's mid-courfe ? And morning-light More orient in yon weitern cloud, that draws 205 O'er the blue firmament a radiant white ; And flow defcends, with fornething heav'nly fraught ? He err'd not ; for by this the heav'nly bands. Down from a fky of jafper lighted now In Paradife, and on a hill made halt : 2to A glorious apparition ! had not doubt And carnal fear that day dirrim'd Adam's eye. Not that more glorious ; when the Angels met Jacob, in Mahanaim; where he faw The field pavilion'd with his guardians bright : 215 Nor that, which on the flaming mount appeat'd In Dothan ; cover'd with a camp offire, Againft